The Lakhudiyar Walls located in the Barechhina village on the road between Almora and Jageshwar.

These rock shelters are said to be named Lakhudiyar as they are believed to be nearly million years old. However, more realistically these painting would not be more than 50,000 years old.

The paintings depict the life of the early man during the times of Stone Age/ Upper Palaeolithic era.

The Lakhudiyar is located at the banks of the Suyal River and the early man would have take regular shelter here from the weather or wild animals.
The rock shelter have paintings of animals, humans and also tectiforms done with fingers in black, red and white. The walls depict the life and surroundings of the early man. There are also the images of the weapons that were used by these people in the early times. One of the paintings depict a clan performing mass dance in a group of 34 people on one side and 28 on the other side.

There are other similar places located nearby at Farkanauli, Petshaal.